Sengoku - NobuMecha
Seven years have passed since the original Nobunaga. NobuMecha is a significantly renewed mid-size high-end bimetal version.
Seven years have passed since Sengoku released the first model Nobunaga in 2015. This full metal yo-yo has been significantly renewed, and is once again a middle size model equipped with top class spinning performance. The material composition is the same as before, with a super duralumin (A7075) body and a stainless steel rim.
The major changes are in the width and shape of the rim and the width of the body. The sharp rim has been flattened to enhance power, and the effect is immediately clear. Even though the body is more than 4mm wider, the new body creates a reliable feeling of strength while sleeping at the end of the string. The weight has also been increased by more than 2g, giving the rim an outstanding presence despite its small size. This high-end model is recommended for both detailed tricks that require precise control and long combos that require speed, and Sengoku is proud to offer it to fans of the former Nobunaga as well.