C3yoyodesign, Hong Kong's first high-end yo-yo maker, was established in 2009. C3's founders are Walter Wong (Director), Ron Chan (Product Engineer and Web Designer) and Simpson Wong (Photographer and Video Producer). Through their combined talents, they make some of the best competition oriented yo-yos in the business. Before starting C3, all three founders had previous experience as top yo-yo players. Now, acting as the leaders of C3, they fly all over the world taking amazing yo-yo photos, videos, etc. and expertly synthesize that content through their social media channels. Their efforts to promote yo-yoing are not only seen around the world but also back at home in Hong Kong, where they help organize yo-yo meets and local contests.
C3yoyodesign formally started their company in 2011. Since then their interaction with the yo-yo community has never stopped. They sponsor players from not only Asia, but also Europe and North America, and the number of C3 fans worldwide is constantly increasing. Their global image truly reflects the atmosphere of their home city of Hong Kong, and has helped propel them to become one of the top yo-yo manufacturers in the world.
REWIND staff Shinya Kido is a member of C3yoyodesign's contest team.